Connecting ORCID to OJS

There are two ways to connect your ORCID to OJS: adding your ORCID to your profile or entering your ORCID in the submission metadata.

Adding ORCID to Your Profile

If you have already registered with the journal, you can add your ORICD to your profile. Click on your username in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and select View Profile:

Select view profile

Next, click on the Public tab and add your ORCID to the appropriate field. Make sure to format the ID as a full URL:

Click on public tab and add ORCID as URL

Add ORCID to Submission Metadata

You can add an ORCID for yourself and your co-authors during the article submission process. At the Enter Metadata stage, click next to the contributor's name and select Edit:

Select edit under contributor

Add your ORCID to the appropriate field, making sure to format it as a full URL:


Do the same for your co-authors, if you know their ORCID.

The result of adding ORCID to your profile or the article submission metadata is that it will display on the landing page of the published article:

ORCID displayed on article landing page

This allows readers to click on it and view your ORCID profile, potentially increasing the number of times your other work is read and cited.

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