1.6 Production

Most journals with a small staff combine copyediting and production into one stage. In many cases, it is the editor herself who does this work. If the journal does have a separate copy editor and see 1.5. Copyediting

Download the draft file from the Copyediting and click Send to Production to move the submission to the next stage.

Download draft file

When copyediting and production is finished, simply upload the final PDF file to the Galleys section of the production stage.

Click Add galley:

Add galley

Enter a label for the galley file. Most journals use either PDF or Full Text. This label appears on the article download button in the table of contents. Leave the "This galley will be available at a separate website." option unchecked.

Galley label

Click Save.

Next, select the Article Component for which you are uploading a galley. Then click the Upload File button to choose the final PDF.

Upload file

Click Continue to review the details.

Confirm details

Click Continue and Complete to confirm the upload.

The last step is to schedule the article for publication in an upcoming issue. Click the Schedule for Publication button.

Schedule for publication

Select the issue to which the article should be assigned and enter the page numbers to appear in the table of contents. Depending on the journal's copyright and licensing policies, individual permissions can be entered for each article. In this example the authors retain their copyright and the article is licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license.

Schedule, copyright, and licensing

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